Monday, 10 January 2011

What rhymes with fat?

What rhymes with 'fat'?! Of course I know what you would say - bat, cat, hat, mat, pat, rat, sat etc. Well, I mean, for what rhyme (or reason) could God have created this unnecessary and absolutely non-essential thing?

I find it disconcerting to think that the same Omniscient who created potatoes, weaved the possibility of humans finding a life-altering fluid called oil, threw in the prospect of these two being combined to create the super delightful 'french fries', could conjure up something so wickedly dreary called 'fat' that it would need to be avoided by large (both literally and figuratively) sections of the society!

Now that's not a very equal God, eh?

1 comment:

  1. The same God has created pineapple and cucumber but it is largely neglected by the large (both figuratively and literally) sections of the society.

    By the way, He wants the society (small, medium and large) to exercise too.
