Saturday, 20 March 2010

Hark, I have arrived!

Okay, here am I - on a rainy, foggy Saturday afternoon, dishevelled, longing for the grey cloudy sky to clear up (hardly a setting for a bright new adventurous journey), with not more than a bowl of porridge in my tummy, wiggling my toes to recover from a stiff ankle post surgery, uninterested in the live IPL match going on 3 feet away, but with oodles of enthusiasm to create my blog and pen my first post, while my significant other is happily occupied in deciding which lowest fat pizza to order for his largely immobilized wife.

Well, what brought me up here? Interestingly, I have always had a high regard for my capacity to dabble in creative writing at will. And so did my friends. It went as far as writing beautifully rhyming poems, quick doggerels, clever emails or even lyrical invitations for parties. I had often toyed with the idea of having my own blog but, as is the case with us mortals, I was wary of the immense effort and dedication that it demands. And as my life trudged along, my commitment to voicing my thoughts on an open forum started dwindling.

However, lately, the universe had been conspiring to bring out this long awaited outcome described in the opening lines and which I consider a personal achievement, however tiny as it may seem to an observer. Since the last few weeks, my husband has been hammering the idea in my head to start writing reviews of the books and movies that I have been consuming at a furious pace. To add to that, my eldest sibling just kick-started his journey in the blog-world and another sibling questioned my lack of one. That nailed it. One sleep later, I was researching on free blogs and how to create one; the weather, the fracture or the hunger notwithstanding.

My first post is dedicated to my husband and my siblings, sin cera.
Thank you for putting me back in touch with my side I thought would never make a comeback. I promise to air my meandering thoughts on this and that and all things interesting, to the best of my ability.

Wedges, anyone?

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the e-real world, Alpha Queen. You will find the werewolf prowling around.
